Read more: What is Two-Factor Authentication and why should you use it Looking to improve the security on your Facebook or Google account? An added proof of ownership for logging in into your account either on Google or Facebook is very much going to do the trick. Here is how to add two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Google and Facebook account.

How To Add 2FA On Your Google Account

To begin with, you’ve got to be logged into your Google account to change anything. Once you’re logged in, go to the menu and click on settings then tap ‘Manage your account’. Then navigate to security where you are to turn on 2FA which is written as ‘2 step verification’. Click on it and you will be taken to an introductory page, then click get started. You might be required to enter your password before you continue. There are three options available to use, as a second means of authentication besides your password. The first one, is receiving a prompt from Google on any device you pick anytime you want to log in. Also, there is the option for the security key and another option to receive a text or call. Any option you choose just follow the prompt and you’re good to go.

How To Add 2FA On Your Facebook Account

You could easily 2FA to your facebook account for added security which also adds third-party apps like Google Authenticator or Authy to its 2FA system. To set it up, navigate to your setting on your wall then click on security and log-in. You should see the section for two factors authentication, click on use ‘two-factor authentication’ and you will be brought to a page where you will see a ‘get started’ button. Hit it! Read more: Instagram to upgrade Two-Factor Authentication from Your Phone Number A tab will pop-up with two options to choose from,  the SMS option or a third party authenticating apps like Dou security or Google Authenticator. You could either provide a new number or use the one connected to your Facebook account initially. Choosing the app, you would have to scan the barcode presented or input a set of codes into the app to sync it to your account. So after that, you will be required to enter a code generated by the app or text sent to you by Facebook if you chose the number option after inputting your password for log-in. In any case, 2FA offers an added wall of security to your account be it Google orFacebook and any other platform that supports it. Considering that even the big players are being hacked, adding two-factor authentication is the least you could do for added security.